Wednesday 20 June 2007


...the golden sun shone brightly over a white sand beach. The deep blue sea swashed gently to shore as the clear frothy waves lapped at the edge. Seagulls nested in the tall, grey, jagged coastal cliffs and swooped daily through the salty air. Deep rock pools glistened as the rays caught their still waters, full of anemone’s, myriads of pink shells and yellow starfish. It was a calm place full of nature and excitement. Each day the sands would shift as the moon would exert its force on the tides whilst treading its way through the dark star-lit sky by night.

Juliette Llewellyn (Fairytales)


John Gilheaney said...

Hello Juliette

That's a beautiful piece of writing, I feel becalmed after reading it.

And, after seeing your earlier entry, the lyrics of Take That have leapt up in my estimation!

Best wishes


Juliette Llewellyn said...

Hello R,

thanks alot for your kind comment, its good to get the feedback.

Lol! Yes, the freedom of Napster meant i recenty listened to Take That's latest album and i was unusually suprised by their depth too!

Best Wishes, Juliette