Thursday, 26 July 2007

'Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.'
Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

'we're just one breath in a chain of thought.'

Never Know
Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams Album

Monday, 23 July 2007

'Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.'
John Lubbock

Sunday, 22 July 2007


Precious memories
Lay discarded
Folded neatly at edges
Image fades

Juliette Llewellyn


He touches her soul
Soft voice
Something unsaid
Drinks coffee
Glances upwards
She leaves

Juliette Llewellyn

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Daily Prosperity Thought

There are five possible reasons that can stand in the way of you acheiving a certain goal:

You think you do not have the resources to acheive the goal;
You believe you have the resources but do not know what to do;
You know what to do but you do not think you can do it;
You think you can do it but you are not strongly motivated to acheive the goal;
You feel motivated but somehow the goal does not right for you to pursue now.

Only you can decide whether these objections mean that you should drop the goal now and waste no further time on it, or wait for circumstances to change, or begin to put some time and effort into overcoming these objections. Your call.

Steve Nobel
Prosperity Bubbles

Monday, 16 July 2007

'Poetry is language in orbit'
Seamus Heaney

A Traditional Scottish Blessing

If there is righteousness in the heart,
there will be beauty in the character.
If there is beauty in the character,
there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home,
there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
there will be peace in the world.
So let it be.


Daily Prosperity Thought

Of course you have limits, but you cannot know what they are until you reach them. Even when you reach what you think is possible, you might be wrong about yourself. Once it was considered impossible for a human being to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. As soon as Roger Bannister broke this record at Oxford on 6th May 1954 a number of other athletes followed suit. It is quite common to mistake possibility for competence.

Steve Nobel
Prospertiy Bubbles

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Poetry Archive

Wednesday, 11 July 2007


Juliette Llewellyn 07

Thursday, 5 July 2007


A vast sky blue expanse opened endlessly before her. The green forest was only a dark speck on the horizon. Deep oceans and tall mountain tips were in view. Scenes she could have only imagined. Her belief of escaping the forest, her family, her past was so strong she had arrived here.

Flying, high in the sky, away from all she had known. Fear crept into her body, wanting her to stop, slow down, turn back but she knew this was it. Her chance had come to see all she had ever wanted.

Tracing the flight of a white gull as it trailed through the clouds next to her. It glided effortlessly, supported by the air and swooped between the clouds, finally diving towards the blue ocean. She pursued. There was no ageing, no madness, and no death. Only more and more freedom.

As she allowed herself to follow the bird, she became lighter. Weightless, almost feather-like. Her form turned translucent and she merged with the wind. Breezes whispered to her softly as she skimmed the surface of the sea. Whispered to her of life. She slid in to the swash of the tide and became as insignificant as a drop in the ocean.

Juliette Llewellyn
03.07.07 (Fairytales)

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Stress Management Story - Glass of Water Theory

A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked, "How heavy is this glass of water?"
Answers called out ranged from 8 ounces to 20 ounces.
The lecturer replied, "The absolute weight
doesn't matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance.
"In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes." He continued, "And that's the way it is with stress management. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won't be able to carry on.
"As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden.
"So, before you return home tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it home. You can pick it up tomorrow. Whatever burdens you're carrying now, let them down for a moment if you can. "Relax; pick them up later after you've rested. Life is short. Enjoy it!"

Sunday, 1 July 2007


We are all here to connect with one another and to spread warmth, love, caring and hope. Just to keep remembering this helps to give purpose to our lives. At times when sometimes the world may seem a complicated place full of unexplained experiences, if we can enter the groove of reciprocity it reminds us that we are bigger than our life as a human being. It can help to connect with our bigger purpose, although finding this can at times be a struggle. Like walking in a mist unable to see clearly until the fog clears. When will that be? Soon, I hope, soon, I trust. With faith and clarity we can move forward knowing all will be well if we just let it exist and be as we truly are. No fears, no doubts, just openheartedness and generosity for living and learning. A willingness to grow……

Juliette Llewellyn